Tuesday, September 23, 2008

English Language

The El Paso Times reported today that 24% of the residents of El Paso, Texas only speak English. The survey they are reporting on also says that 74% of people in El Paso speak Spanish when at home.
I was shopping at Wal-Mart last week and couldn't find what I was looking for. So (in English) I asked one of the employees where it was located. She explained to me (in Spanish) that she only speaks Spanish, and would it be possible for me to speak Spanish?
So I answered her in Spanish. Fortunately I am fluent in the Spanish language. I told her that we are in the United States of America and she needs to learn how to speak English.
A cruel hoax is being perpetrated on these immigrants from Mexico. Until they become 105% fluent in the English language they will be relegated to the least secure and lowest paying jobs in society. But you still hear intelligent, caring, well educated people arguing for education to be performed in Spanish.
Do not move to El Paso, Texas if you are biased against Mexicans. And unless you speak Spanish fluently you will not be happy living in El Paso. Those are today's words of wisdom from a third generation El Pasoan.