Deport Them!
The Republicans have easily found the money to bail out the Robber Barons and the Fat Cats on Wall Street. They have put many trillions of dollars on the government credit card.
These same insensitive bastards say there isn’t enough money to provide universal access health care to the 50 million people in America who don’t have health insurance. And these same people want to ruin Social Security by privatizing it (so that they can get their greedy, smelly little Republican hands on this money).
----------------- Deregulation = Self Regulation = No Regulation
These immoral and ravenous people who are still asking for less government regulation while they are bailing out the rich folks deserve to be deported. These creatures are such disgusting examples of humanity that they make me feel like vomiting.
Bush and his cohorts have done more damage to America then the Muslim Terrorists dreamed of. These guys certainly don’t deserve to be allowed to call themselves Americans.