Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The Wicked Witch Lost

Hillary lost. Get over it. The country didn’t want Hillary Clinton. She lost in large measure because she is dishonest and rude. There is a new acronym being used now: PUMA. It describes the old women who refuse to recognize that Senator Clinton lost. It stands for Party Unity My Ass.

It just galls these old biddies that the electorate preferred a Black Man over that fat old dishonest bitch. Do you remember when Senator Rodham-Clinton said about Obama, "He is not a muslim" And then quickly added, "as far as I know." Liar, liar!

These people are out of touch. Much like the Corvair guy, Ralph Nader, was in the last election. They are perfectly willing to sabotage the Democrats. As long as Obama doesn’t win, it is completely alright with these Hillary supporters if the Republicans win the election and the country goes through another four years of these right wing thugs and country-wreckers.