Saturday, August 02, 2008

Nuclear Proliferation

I am strongly opposed to nuclear proliferation. In the medium to longer term this may be a more critical problem that pollution and global warming.
And I really don’t have much of anything good to say about Islam. But I also don’t like hypocrites. America is a country that is supposed to be honest. -
So how do we justify not really being all THAT upset that the following countries have nuclear weapons: North Korea, Pakistan, India, Israel, France, and Britain? The answer is obvious: The Iranians are crazed religious fanatics. Well, so was Jim Jones, and so is the fundamentalist wing of the Republican party in America.
Ok, the Iranians are not only crazy, they are the bad guys. If this were to come out the mouth of Bush or Cheney a lot of people would say, “Well, duh, so are you!”
It is clear that doing everything possible to stop proliferation of nuclear weapons is vital. But the American people should be provided with a more intellectual reason than, “Those rag heads are the axis of evil.”