Sunday, June 22, 2008

30% of Americans Are Racist

A new poll was published today saying that 30% of Americans admit to being racially biased. That seems about right; maybe even a little low.
I have travelled all over the world, and I have lived for years first in Germany and later in The Netherlands. I can say without any doubt that 30% is probabaly a low number for either the Germans or the Dutch. The Dutch hate the Germans, the Germans hate Turks, the British hate the French, everyone with any brains hates the arrogant Danish, and on and on.
And Mexicans are terribly biased against dark skinned people. Being light skinned is openly valued in their culture. Some of the most racially biased people that I have ever known were poorly educated Mexican nationals. Well, thinking about when I lived in South Louisiana, poorly educated white southerners may even be more racially biased.
It seems that with travel, experience, and education some of this racial bias and ethnocentrism decreases. But there seems to be something human about liking "our own people" and disliking "them" the folks that are different than us in some way.