Oprah Winfrey
In the supermarket check out line today I was reading the cover of a tabloid. The headlines said that Oprah's weight is up to 240 lbs. (108.9 kg). When I got home I looked it up on the internet, and her height is 5'5.5" (166.36 cm).
My height is 5'10.75" (179.71 cm). My bathroom scale is calibrated in kilograms since I bought it in Europe. I weighed in at exactly 100 kg, which is 15.7 Stone, or 220.5 lbs. I'm not exactly a lightweight myself, but I've got a long way to go before I reach Oprah's body mass index.
With my little doggie I walk out in the desert each day 2 miles (3.22 km). Sometimes a little more, sometimes a little less. But I check the distance each day on the GPS, so the distance really is accurate. For a guy who has leukemia, which is a type of malignant cancer which affects the bone marrow and lowers the body's ability to fight disease, I think I'm doing pretty good.