Wednesday, January 09, 2008

The Public Has Caused Britney's Problems


I was reading the news from the BBC this morning, and I came across this quote in an article about all these famous chicks who are imploding. imploding weird chicks.

The theme of the article was largely that these people like Britney Spears, Paris Hilton, and Lindsey Lohan are not really responsible for their problems. The idea is that the public vicariously enjoying watching them is more at fault than the celebrity.




Drugs, alcohol, and arrogance combined with too much money, and far too little humility, responsibility, and education (both book learning and world travel) are at fault. These girls don't realize that it is perfectly possible to be as sexually wanton and loose as a Parisian Whore while remaining sober. In fact not being wasted on drugs or alcohol results in the pleasure being far more intense.
I wish I could put a little bit of the blame on the American culture's Puritanism and religious fanaticsm, but I can't seem to figure out a way to tie it in.


