Sunday, January 06, 2008

President Obama

After watching the Democratic debates last night I had a moment of real mental clarity. Kind of an Ah Ha! where the light goes on.
Obama should be our next president. He has class, he is smart, and of all the candidates he will most likely be the best uniter. Too young? He is older than John F. Kennedy was when he was elected. He has a Harvard law degree too.
John Edwards seems almost like a smarter, more experienced Bobby Kennedy. He has a track record of winning, and he is a rough, tough little street fighter. This guy is passionate. It is real to him. He feels it in his gut, and he has real personal committment. He should be our next Attorney General.
Bill Richardson has class, he is intelligent, and has more experience than any of the others. He could be the next Vice President. A very positive influence on the President. As such he could be assigned a wide variety of duties. And during the process he could groom himself to be the next President after two terms for Obama. Or if he doesn't want to be a Cheney, then he would do very well as Secretary of State (Foreign Minister).
These three guys together make one hell of a team.
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Senator Clinton is a disappointment. She had a revolting smirk, a wise-ass smile, and a know it all attitude all through the debate. And she dishonestly claimed 35 years of governmental experience just because she was married to a politician. This is like Barbara Bush claiming she has the right experience. This experience of being an overbearing nit-picky wife is not very useful in the job function of President. Sorry, but unless you were elected and were openly accountable to the people in this Democracy, the type of experience you have doesn't count.
Hillary should do four years of community service in the Peace Corps. Or as a Private in the Army in a war zone. And not being treated like some big muckety-muck, but as a grunt working in the trenches. Then the voters can re-evaluate her and see if she has gained any humility. But at this point she is far too smart ass and know it all. Not a uniter FOR SURE! So many people are heavily turned off by her, that the Democrats nominating her in the primaries would guarantee another four years of disaster with another Republican president.
Reminds me of Ralph Nader openly helping Bush to get elected. People warned Nader, but he went ahead anyway just to feed his ego and due to self centeredness and arrogance. She should have the class to step down. But just look at her husband...these people are smart, and hard working. Think back about Bill and the cigar incident with Monica. Compare them to Obama or Richardson and it is crystal clear that the Clintons don't have the right kind of class to solve the problems we are facing in the 21st century.
A friend of mine responded. I suspect that she may harbor some closet Republican leanings, but she is really neat anyway. She suggested another team of hard to beat candidates. I agree with her, even though they are frigging Republicans: John McCain and Colin Powell. Oh my God. An Absolute Killer Team!!





