Saturday, January 19, 2008

Islamic Religious Fanatics

In Spain the authorities just arrested 14 lunatic Islamic religious fanatics. These guys had stockpiled bomb making materials and were very real about intending to kill a lot of folks in the name of the prophet Mohamed.
What is especially uncool about that is that they intended to do it in Barcelona.
In America this would be like a mass terrorist attack by religious fanatics in Austin, Texas or San Francisco or Santa Fe.
I'm sure no Republican, and I think Bush Jr. is about the dummest president the country has ever had.
But I don't have any problem when our authorities get tough with religious fanatics who want to kill in the name of their God. Whether they call themselves the Ku Klux Clan, the Nazis, or Islamic Fundamentalists. The name that they use to describe their group's killing spree is pretty much irrelevant.