Monday, January 07, 2008

Intolerance In America

I got a long e-mail from a friend yesterday. He grew up in the Pacific Northwest and is now an aging ex-hippie who lives in Europe. He was telling me that I am being completely unrealistic and idealistic thinking that the voters in America are ready to elect either a black man or a woman as president.

He feels that there is a largely undercover and hidden reservoir of bigotry, prejudice, and intolerance which will come out as the campaign evolves. That at the end of the day the people who actually do come out to vote in the general election will make their choices on a purely cynical and self-centered basis. And that both Senator Obama and Senator Clinton will end up losing.

He may be right. I hope not, but we sure need to be certain that somehow we insure that the country doesn’t have to suffer through another Republican administration. It is a tragedy what these guys who have been leading the government for the last 7 years have done to the country.

These bozo Republicans have almost bankrupted the economy, they have managed to send most of the good manufacturing jobs overseas, the U.S. Dollar has undergone an unprecedented devaluation, environmental and civil rights regulations have been relaxed, and they have reduced taxation greatly on the rich people making over $200,000- per year. These are the folks who are the most able to pay and those who are most able to help out the less fortunate. The congress in Washington D.C. does nothing but bicker anymore. They talk and pontificate, but they don’t listen to each other. The government is in complete partisan gridlock because of men like Cheney, Trent Lott, and the George Bush dynasty. Under the guise of being Christians these evil Republicans have behaved like a pack of ravenous wolves. What a bunch of greedy, self centered, evil, wicked men.

America really is better than this. We can rise above this. But perhaps we won’t. The Roman Empire didn’t last forever. In fact the peak of it only lasted a few hundred years. It finally fell, and it did so largely due to rampant dishonesty and greed. Maybe the American Dream is deceased and now lays six feet underground gradually decaying. I sure hope not.