Monday, January 21, 2008

I Have A Dream

It is Martin Luther King day 2008. I have lots of dreams for the future of our country in a political, social, and economic sense.
My immediate dream this morning goes this way:
My best friend is such a picky eater. I try to provide the finest nutrition to him. And he is a great athlete and not fat at all. But at home he is really choosy about what he eats. I have to warm up his canned dog food in the microwave or he won't eat it.
But when we are walking out in the desert he is just delighted to gnaw on pieces of a bunny rabbit that was killed several days ago. And sometimes he relishes eating other dog's fecal material. How disgusting!
So my dream today is that he will stop eating all this gross crap when we are out in the desert!

