Friday, December 07, 2007

Gun Laws


On lots of issues one would classify me as liberal, or somewhat left wing, or as my partner in Europe used to say, a Friggin Commie. Liberal on social issues, left wing on foreign affairs, libertarian on other things, very leftist on environmental issues, and conservative fiscally. It just shows that people are complex beings, and cannot be classified using just one word.
But on the issue of guns I fall squarely in the camp of the NRA and others who support the constitutional right of individuals to bear arms.
Recently there was another horrible shooting in a mall in Omaha. This lunatic 19 year old stole a rifle from his step father and killed eight people so that he wouldn't be any bother and also so that he would be famous.
In the American state of New Mexico anyone can legally carry a loaded pistol openly in a holster. In small towns it is common to see people standing in line at the bank who are armed. The state of Texas was allied with the confederacy during the civil war in the mid-1800's, and because of this the laws do not allow open carrying of guns in Texas. You need to go to school, pay a fee, and get a permit to carry a gun, and then it must be concealed, not worn out in the open.
Criminals and lunatics will find a way to acquire guns. When the normal people are also armed the crazies have to think twice before committing their violent acts.
I can assure you that if some looney young punk tried something crazy like this around a group of grumpy old men who were armed with concealed handguns, you can bet that he would have been stopped long before this screwed up punk finally commited suicide by shooting himself.


