Friday, September 07, 2007


A friend of mine (Betty Reynolds) who also has CLL was getting her second infusion of chemo yesterday up at the Southern New Mexico Cancer Center in Las Cruces, New Mexico USA. It seemed to me that this was the type of event where it sure would be nice to have a friend and a lovable, soft little black doggie waiting outside.
So we drove up there to Las Cruces. It is a little over one hour drive from my house.
Whenever we drive that way we always stop at the rest stop at the Texas - New Mexico border on I-10 in Anthony. The New Mexico state government has a very nice place set up there. There is a place for the dogs to run about and relieve themselves. There is free WiFi internet access, free coffee, and the bathrooms are clean. What a deal!
Inu feels like he owns the entire rest stop. He always has to do the sniff and pee routine to advertise his territorial ownership to the other dogs that come by.
From time to time one sees signs saying to watch out for the snakes, but it really is extremely rare to see one. A few weeks ago when we passed there Inu was sniffing one side of a bush when a snake rapidly slithered away from the other side of the bush (basically MY SIDE of the bush). Wowwie that snake really hauled ass. He had slithered right past me before I could even react. Thank heavens Inu was completely oblivious of the event.
Yesterday we got to hike up a nice arroyo next to the cancer center while we were waiting. Then after she was done we went to the drive thorough at Subway, and then had a little picnic at the grassy park commemorating veterans.
