Sunday, July 01, 2007

The El Paso Solar Energy Association

The El Paso Solar Energy Association is a very worthwhile group. Certainly the first step is reducing our waste of energy (conservation), and then the very important second step is to get our energy from renewable sources like the sun or wind.
Driving a car that gets 8 - 10 miles per gallon is not only stupid and arrogant, it is socially irresponsible. In the late 1960s I drove an English Ford Anglia (like J.K. Rowling's friend), and it got over 40 mpg on the highway. The Toyota I have now has a great sound system, cruise control, and even running the air conditioner it really does get 42 mpg on the highway.
The next most productive area one can attack is your dwelling. If you haven't yet changed virtually all of your incandescent lights for compact fluorescent bulbs you are asleep at the switch. Do the math. This has a measurable societal impact and a rapid financial payback.
I am a life member of the El Paso Solar Energy organization.
The group got together today in a very nice park on the eastside of El Paso. They set up several solar cookers and actually cooked hot dogs and cookies!


