Wednesday, June 06, 2007

You Ain't Nothing But A Hound Dog

On July 2, 1956 Elvis Aaron Presley recorded the song “Hound Dog.” I was about 7-1/2 years old at the time.

I’ve got this song on CD in my Sony 300 CD changer, a copy on my cell phone in MP3 format, and an original vinyl 45 in my old Seeburg juke box.

When I’m walking my little black doggie Inu in the Chihuahuan desert outback, when there isn’t another person around for miles, sometimes I sing to Inu. The song “Hound Dog” by Elvis has been one of my favorites to sing to him. Especially the verse that goes “you ain’t never caught a rabbit, and you ain’t no friend of mine.”

He sprained a muscle in his right rear leg a couple of days ago, so I have been trying to get him to take it easy. We took a shorter than normal one mile walk this morning. We went out pretty early (around 7:30 am). Also a cold front has come through overnight. There was a nice breeze, and the temperature was very pleasant.

It sort of freaks Inu out when I take the life of another sentient being, like when I kill a fly or a moth. But this comes sort of instinctively to me. And cockroaches get absolutely no mercy from me. In fact I am even engaging in hard core chemical warfare against them.

Canines are predators. They hunt and kill. This comes from their heritage as wolfs.

Well, Inu ran down, caught, and killed a bunny rabbit this morning. I didn’t criticize him, he was just doing what his genes told him to do. I’m certain that his mother never taught him to kill his prey by clamping those strong canine jaws down on the front of the neck, but this is exactly what he did.

Afterwards, when it was clear that the sweet little furry bunny was in fact dead, Inu felt a bit odd. I could tell from the way he was acting. So even though I hope he never kills another sentient being, I gave him some love, petted him, and praised him.