Thursday, May 17, 2007

Morning Walk Report

I did not check the thermometer when we went on our morning walk in the desert this morning, but it felt like about 28 degrees C. There was a light breeze blowing and it was cloudy. So it was really nice.

Since the weather was so pleasant my little black doggie and I walked a little further
than usual. The trip odometer on my handheld GPS said we went 1.82 miles (2,9 km).

What with the hard rain night before last, there is some erosion. Lots of stones which were covered by sand have now been uncovered.

I picked up this little rock that sure looks like some kind of a Neolithic tool. It is sharp as hell. But I don’t really think it is from the American Indians. I think probably it is just a nice little rock. But for sure the Jornada Mogollon Indians were living right in this area about 500 years ago.

I also picked up this nice little (about 50 mm wide) piece of
chalcedony. When I got home I turned on the UV lamp, and sure enough it fluoresces brilliantly.

The literature claims that this green fluorescence is caused by trace amounts of uranium. But in my blissful ignorance I have my doubts about this.

I knew this material was relatively common as desert roses in southwestern New Mexico, but until now I had not realized that it was also spread all over the desert here in west Texas.