Tucson Mineral Show
This is advertised as the largest mineral show in the world. And I don't doubt it one bit. It was really fantastic.
Thanks to Greg Anderson and Charlie Ward there were more fluorescent minerals on sale in one location than I have ever seen. I spent well over $2,000- but this was mostly on various UV lights.
Greg sold me an absolutely beautiful large stone with large delicate crystals of green fluorescing calcite. Charlie sold me some Terlingua type calcite out of Mexico and a way too cool light. And from Don Newsome of UV Systems I got a second Superbright II and a piece of Moroccan calcite on fluorite.
A guy from Peru sold me a beautfiul delicate fluorescing stalagmite, and also some
red fluorescing black calcite. Yes, thats right. Looks like really dark smoky quartz, except that it is calcite!
And on the way back I stopped in Bisbee and bought a piece of Wulfenite from the Red Cloud mine in Yuma, Arizona that fluoresces green , red, and purple. Beautiful.
It was such a wonderful pleasure meeting so many other glow rock fanatics!