Thursday, September 14, 2006

Stephen Fry

Stephen Fry is a fascinating guy.

He was born five years after Mike Garland. He has his own TV show on the BBC which we get on cable here in Holland.

He has had laser eye surgery to correct his near sightedness which went badly wrong. He drives a London Taxi Cab (like the Queen’s husband does) to remain incognito.

He is overweight and still smokes cigarettes, both of which are problems that he is unable to solve. Both cause him great amounts personal criticism and self loathing. Honest. I’ve seen him discuss it.
And he is brilliant, funny, and generally behaves as a gentleman.

He is gay and has come out of the closet. This is a neat quote by him from an interview in OutUK, "What you do with your penis or your bottom or anything else is so supremely irrelevant in a moral sense. It's what we do with our personalities and other people that matters."

You can pre-order this book from Amazon. I just did.

If you click on this article it should enlarge enough to be readable.



Point of interest: Henry VIII's favorite ship was named the Mary Rose. It was built in 1510 and later sank during a battle with the French on July 19, 1545 just off the Southern coast of England at Portsmouth. She was found a few years ago and was recovered by a team of underwater archaeologists. She is now the only 16th century ship on display in the entire world.
What makes her especially famous to me, and the reason I went to see her, is that the Barber-Surgeon's chest contained a number of medicines which were stored in stoneware containers made in Raeren (which is now in Belgium, but at that time in Germany). The fact that the date of her sinking is so well documented is great proof of the age of this famous type of stoneware.
Clik on this picture and it will enlarge. The quality is not all that good, but considering that it was pretty dark in here and they didn't allow me to use a flash, they are respectable.


This is a link to Stephen Fry's official website:
