Saturday, September 16, 2006

Roman Roof Tiles


I rode the Vespa over to the airshow in Aachen.
After staying there are few hours I left. I decided to see if I could find a farm road a few miles from the airport to get a different view.
The Vespa for sure is not a dirt bike.
It behaves badly even on dirt roads, you sure wouldn't want to take it off road. So you have to drive carefully.
Maybe a mile of two from the Aachen airport I was really very pleasantly surprised to find a patch of Roman roof tiles in the road and in the adjacent farm fields.
Once you are familiar with these tiles and have seen them in many different locations, you can pick them out almost immediately by their color.
I walked this area extensively for probably an hour or two. The Roman Villa must have been pretty large.
Other than lots of roof tile spread over a fairly large area, all I found were a couple of small pottery shards.

Roman Roof Tiles:
