I had a really nice time at the Aachen airshow.
I had a really nice time at the Aachen airshow.
It is a small airport which has a lot of gliders, a couple of flight schools, and the medivac helicopter for the German Auto Club.

In the hangers there were the usual Cessna 152s and 172s, lots of Pipers, a Beachcraft Bonanza and a small C-90 King Air, plus a few Mooneys.
On display there were lots of neat aircraft (including three T6’s) and a great display of American WWII jeeps and trucks.
I got to ride in a helicopter.

On display there were lots of neat aircraft (including three T6’s) and a great display of American WWII jeeps and trucks.

I got to ride in a helicopter.
It was not my first or even my second time riding in a helicopter, but helicopters are always a lot of fun!
And there were some excellent aerobatic displays, mostly in Russian Tupelov aircraft.
And there were some excellent aerobatic displays, mostly in Russian Tupelov aircraft.
Link to more pictures: http://tinyurl.com/ehke6